Enjoy Tasty And Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Diet Recipes That Fight Inflammation!
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Chronic inflammation can be very harmful for your body, and this condition has been shown to contribute to a number of serious diseases like heart disease, depression, diabetes and even cancer. Many people who suffer from chronic inflammation may be completely unaware that they have this condition.
Chronic inflammation can be caused by a poor diet. It is vital to consume foods that will not cause inflammation, and include foods in your diet which will help stop inflammation.
Anti Inflammatory Dieting Tips:
•Avoid processed foods at all cost! These foods may contain inflammatory causing toxins that you are completely unaware of, and many processed foods contain excessive amounts of sugar and sodium which may cause inflammation as well.
•Watch your carbs. A healthy amount of carbs for women is usually around 160-200g a day (for men it is 240-300g). You should avoid refined carbs that come from processed sugar, and consume whole grains.
•Include healthy sources of proteins in your diet! This means that you should avoid eating excessive amounts of red meat and stick to lean meats like poultry and fish.
•Include the right kinds of fats in your diet. Healthy fats (known as omega 3) are found in seeds, avocado, nuts, and salmon. You should try and avoid trans fats which are found in hydrogenated oils.
•Eat colorful fruits and vegetables, these will have many anti-inflammatory nutrients.
We hope you enjoy these delicious anti inflammatory diet recipes!