Luke Logan, the wealthy young owner of The Double Jay Ranch, lost his wife and his sight in one tragic day. But a seductive and enigmatic vampire offers him eternal life, unimaginable power and vision. In desperate desire for an end to his blindness and loneliness, Luke leaves his old life behind and follows the temptress.
The beguiling creature is not what Luke expected. He soon finds himself hating the vile lifestyle, yet addicted to the blood he is forced to spill. Luke hears rumors of a cure to his awful condition. He sets out on a decades long odyssey to find the elusive elixir.
Is there really a cure? Can he find the redemption he so desperately seeks?
The beguiling creature is not what Luke expected. He soon finds himself hating the vile lifestyle, yet addicted to the blood he is forced to spill. Luke hears rumors of a cure to his awful condition. He sets out on a decades long odyssey to find the elusive elixir.
Is there really a cure? Can he find the redemption he so desperately seeks?