In this final installment of the Motel Wrestler Series, the author recounts his final days as a private wrestler. After a convincing defeat in the third espisode of the series, this wrestler spends time wrestling old friends as well as breaking in new guys. That is until he meets his partner which fulfills a lifelong quest for love and self-acceptance as a gay man.
"Pinning My Demons" is the culmination of one young boy's journey from a small farm in deeply religious and conservative rural south Georgia to places all around the world and back home. What he finds is self-love, appreciation for others like him, and forgiveness for those who either did not understand him or chose not to understand. In wrestling, he found himself as well as a certain peace all the while trying to fight his way through his opponents and his demons.
"Pinning My Demons" is the culmination of one young boy's journey from a small farm in deeply religious and conservative rural south Georgia to places all around the world and back home. What he finds is self-love, appreciation for others like him, and forgiveness for those who either did not understand him or chose not to understand. In wrestling, he found himself as well as a certain peace all the while trying to fight his way through his opponents and his demons.