Our Chess is Fun endgame course will involve three e-books. Here’s the first on king and pawn endgame. All chess players should learn these basic positions, making sure that if they emerge from a long game that they will be able to take advantage of all that remains. Readers will learn here about the rule of the square, the opposition, the distant opposition, dealing with rook pawn, self-supporting pawns, and the importance of emerging with an outside passed pawn.
Unlike many other inexpensive chess e-books, these are fully annotated in understandable, simple language. The profuse use of diagrams make these among the first chess books that you can read WITHOUT A BOARD at your side.
Jon Edwards won the 10th United States Correspondence Championship in 1997 and the 8th North American Invitational Correspondence Chess Championship in 1999.
Unlike many other inexpensive chess e-books, these are fully annotated in understandable, simple language. The profuse use of diagrams make these among the first chess books that you can read WITHOUT A BOARD at your side.
Jon Edwards won the 10th United States Correspondence Championship in 1997 and the 8th North American Invitational Correspondence Chess Championship in 1999.