SQL: Learn SQL DataBase Programming in 24 hours Or Less!
It could be entitled SQL for Dummies. A solid introductory course for novices.
This book is written for the many who have no clue as to what SQL is or how to utilize it. SQL was developed to enable programmers to access, modify and manipulate data. Since the 1970s, it has become the standard language for accessing and using databases.
As the name implies, SQL (Structured Query Language) is a structured approach that arranges data into columns (fields) and rows (records). The SQL programming language is a special-purpose language can be used to access and manipulate data in various relational database systems such as Oracle, MySQL and others.
The author does use the appropriate technical terminology, but also explains or gives examples to illustrate what is meant.
In SQL: Learn SQL DataBase Programming in 24 hours Or Less! you will learn:
- The basic concepts, syntax and data types used in SQL Database programming
- How to create a database and the tables used in an SQL system
- How INSERT statements are used to insert rows into the table
- How the SELECT statement uses various clauses to gather and arrange data into a useable form.
- How the DELETE statement works with the WHERE clause to identify specific rows/records within a table.
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