In this issue, Randolph Carter learns that he was once one of those earlier entities which had dwelt in primal Hyperborea and worshipped black, plastic Tsathoggua after flying down from Kythamil, the double planet that once revolved around Arcturus. Among other things...
Meanwhile, in Todd Nelsen’s Neanderthal, Grogan is thinking about wormholes and the prehistoric past – or present! In King of the Monster House, Trent Whitsome begins filming an HBO documentary about the prison’s most notorious inmate. We welcome back Albert Betzer with another of his witch-hunter tales in Awakened, Bart Sycamore tells us about a Strange Little Land, and Rob Bliss gives us another unique perspective on the childhood of Jesus. Black, plastic Tsathoggua (could be the basis for a range of action figures), is back again in Clark Ashton Smith’s Tale of Satampra Zeiros, in which two thieves hunt for treasure in the jungle-choked suburbs of the abandoned Hyperborean city of Commoriom – and find more than they’ve bargained for... In Varney the Vampyre, Mr. Chillingworth resumes his vigil at the hall, and in After London, Felix learns the dangers of speaking his mind in the vicinity of an absolute monarch.
I’m sorry to announce that this will be the last issue for a while that will be graced by C. Priest Brumley’s peerless graphic design skills, since he is taking time off for a month or so. He has contributed graphic design to every issue since September, as well as numerous works of fiction, including his Slicer Chronicles stories, so it’s about time he had a good rest. Any graphic designers who are interested in gaining experience of magazine cover design and would like to fill in for him over the next few weeks should contact me at .
Otherwise, I’ll be doing it. And you don’t want to see that...
Meanwhile, in Todd Nelsen’s Neanderthal, Grogan is thinking about wormholes and the prehistoric past – or present! In King of the Monster House, Trent Whitsome begins filming an HBO documentary about the prison’s most notorious inmate. We welcome back Albert Betzer with another of his witch-hunter tales in Awakened, Bart Sycamore tells us about a Strange Little Land, and Rob Bliss gives us another unique perspective on the childhood of Jesus. Black, plastic Tsathoggua (could be the basis for a range of action figures), is back again in Clark Ashton Smith’s Tale of Satampra Zeiros, in which two thieves hunt for treasure in the jungle-choked suburbs of the abandoned Hyperborean city of Commoriom – and find more than they’ve bargained for... In Varney the Vampyre, Mr. Chillingworth resumes his vigil at the hall, and in After London, Felix learns the dangers of speaking his mind in the vicinity of an absolute monarch.
I’m sorry to announce that this will be the last issue for a while that will be graced by C. Priest Brumley’s peerless graphic design skills, since he is taking time off for a month or so. He has contributed graphic design to every issue since September, as well as numerous works of fiction, including his Slicer Chronicles stories, so it’s about time he had a good rest. Any graphic designers who are interested in gaining experience of magazine cover design and would like to fill in for him over the next few weeks should contact me at .
Otherwise, I’ll be doing it. And you don’t want to see that...