Once upon a time, in a land far, far away...well, Scotland...Rose lived tucked away from the world with her aunt. Orphaned as a baby and adopted by her aunt, she's used to her eccentric ways--including her overprotectiveness. But Rose wants more from life. However, she never quite expected for Laird Hamish McTavish--complete with kilt--to change things. The brash, and admittedly braw, man is hardly like the charming men Rose has been dreaming of.
But he cannot help himself. His curiosity is piqued. Who is this young woman surrounded by three slightly-crazed elderly women seemingly intent on keeping her from the world? He must find out more.
Unfortunately, there are several people more than willing to get in the way of that aim. Rose's aunt for one--not to mention his late-cousin's mistress who is determined to replace one cousin with the other. Not only must Hamish deal with his duties and find a way to get close to Rose, he must also find a way to get rid of this abhorrent woman...before she does anything truly evil.
Freshly returned from the battlefield with an unexpected inheritance, highlander Hamish is struggling enough to fit in at the sleepy lowland village. When he comes across a feisty young woman with wild hair and a bold tongue on his land, he doesn't expect it to lead to more than a five-minute argument.
But he cannot help himself. His curiosity is piqued. Who is this young woman surrounded by three slightly-crazed elderly women seemingly intent on keeping her from the world? He must find out more.
Unfortunately, there are several people more than willing to get in the way of that aim. Rose's aunt for one--not to mention his late-cousin's mistress who is determined to replace one cousin with the other. Not only must Hamish deal with his duties and find a way to get close to Rose, he must also find a way to get rid of this abhorrent woman...before she does anything truly evil.
Wake Me With a Kiss is a sweet, clean novella of 28k words.