A tale of greed, wrath, and misplaced idealism set against the backdrop of early 19th century Manchester, England. A scholar finds himself caught in the middle of hostilities between owners and workers in the days of the industrial revolution.
What is The Society of Misfit Stories? These are stories often trapped in the forsaken shadowlands of the publishing industry: too long for traditional magazines and journals, but too short for print. The Society of Misfit Stories provides a loving home for longer short fiction. Each entry in the series is a stand-alone tale from talented new and established voices in a wide range of genres. Join us each week as we reveal a new story in the collection.
Word Count: approx. 6800 words
What is The Society of Misfit Stories? These are stories often trapped in the forsaken shadowlands of the publishing industry: too long for traditional magazines and journals, but too short for print. The Society of Misfit Stories provides a loving home for longer short fiction. Each entry in the series is a stand-alone tale from talented new and established voices in a wide range of genres. Join us each week as we reveal a new story in the collection.
Word Count: approx. 6800 words