A collection of unique short stories published in the old Freshwater and Marine Aquarium magazine (1994-2004), involving one of America’s most popular hobbies, tropical fish. Satirical adventure after satirical adventure provide grins to belly laughs, of the go-getter Wade Rivers, from the local Pet and Doll Parade as winners in the Great Afishianado Contest, to a tropical fish store on wheels, to the meticulous discovery of THE GREAT EASTERN MONTANA GOLD-EYED GREEN-HEADED ALKALINE POTHOLE MUD-SUCKNG FUR GAR which includes a brief history of the tropical fish hobby, Wade Rivers a la mode. For the discerning hobbyist, there are nuggets of information about the keeping, feeding, and spawning of tropical fish sprinkled throughout. An off-the-wall collection that can only remind one of oneself, and that first guppy, that first gold fish, and beyond. MY LOVELY GOURMETS, THE AFISHIANADO, U--RRR--OOOOOO, THE ZEBRA, DANIO PROBLEM, THE ORANGE CARP, THE WEDDING GIFT, ME AND BARRY, THE AQUARIUM, THE LABYRINTH, THE FISHMOBILE, THE KOI AND THE FOREVER FLIGHT, WAHOO! ROGUE'S GALLERY, THE LITTLE TREASURE, THE PREHISTORIC FISH CLUB, IT'S NEVER ENOUGH, THE WADE RIVERS PLECO PHILOSOPY, THE GREAT EASTERN MONTANA GOLD-EYED GREEN-HEADED ALKALINE, POTHOLE MUD-SUCKING FUR GAR, ZZZZZZZZ, MY NEW PET, THE LEAK.
Me and Wade: The Afishianados (English Edition)
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