Some people believe that the "C" word is the most vile word in the English language. But what about the words Jap's eye? How racist is that? Why it remains legitimate slang for the piss-hole on the end of your cock I don't know! Even doctors use the word! It even warrants a description in the dictionary! What could be considered worse are the words "chinks-eye" as if this is any consolation. But perhaps the most vile word of all is the word "spastic". This is a word that was once politically correct but has been corrupted by constant misuse. People use the word as an insult directed at those who are anything but a spastic. I remember somebody calling me a "spaz" (one of few insults with an abbreviation) just because I was struggling with a couple of sums without the aid of a calculator. The point I'm trying to make is that traditional preconceptions and long held prejudices still prevail. Barriers that prevent full participation in society confront disabled people every day of their lives.
Foxholes (English Edition)
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