Jill's life as a quiet computer-hacker is suddenly thrown into chaos when she comes face-to-face with the cold-blooded killing machine named Shelley Tipton. Jill soon finds herself with a new code-name 'Tweak' and a new blue hairdo to hide her identity while she is pressed into working for Shelley and the notorious BlakGuard assassination firm. Jill soon learns that Shelley's malevolence hides a deeper pain which must be dealt with if 'Shelley the woman' and 'Shelley the monster' are ever to become one whole person again. Can Jill help stem the bloodshed that follows in Shelley's wake without falling victim to it herself?
"Tweak: A Hacker's Tale" explores the early, brutal, days of BlakGuard before Mackenzie's arrival in "Mackenzie: An Assassin's Tale". Additional Books in this series include "Sarah and Legion: An Armageddon Story"
"Tweak: A Hacker's Tale" explores the early, brutal, days of BlakGuard before Mackenzie's arrival in "Mackenzie: An Assassin's Tale". Additional Books in this series include "Sarah and Legion: An Armageddon Story"