Narrated by Freddy the Cat, these entertaining cat tales will provide you with an informative and enjoyable overview of those adorable, independent-minded, and loving animals that form such an important part of our daily lives.
With over fifty short stories that range from the serious to the comical, you can explore a great variety of details about everything from feline worship in Ancient Egypt to their present-day habits, characteristics, personalities, and health care. And all of this is written from a cat's perspective about his own species!
All About Cats forms part of a growing collection of Tygo Lee's cat stories that creatively intertwine fantasy with reality. All of his publications have a general underlying foundation of universal values that will motivate you to reflect on your own life's circumstances, helping you to live more peacefully and happily in the future.
All About Cats–immerse yourself in the wonderful world of cats today!
With over fifty short stories that range from the serious to the comical, you can explore a great variety of details about everything from feline worship in Ancient Egypt to their present-day habits, characteristics, personalities, and health care. And all of this is written from a cat's perspective about his own species!
All About Cats forms part of a growing collection of Tygo Lee's cat stories that creatively intertwine fantasy with reality. All of his publications have a general underlying foundation of universal values that will motivate you to reflect on your own life's circumstances, helping you to live more peacefully and happily in the future.
All About Cats–immerse yourself in the wonderful world of cats today!