I would like to show the progression of a fashion designer, myself, in terms of an artistic portfolio. The portfolio covers four periods as pre-1999, 2000-2003, 2004-2008, and 2009 – onward. The first portfolio will show works from 2009 and onward, and the next will shows works from pre-1999, 2000-2003, and 2004-2008. The philosophy is to show the works that are currently developed and the show the historical development of my fashion design works.
A little bit about me is that my art professor at UW-Parkside in Kenosha was David Holmes, MFA. His art involved the use of line and colors. In addition, his presentations involved the analysis of cultures and the use of interactive art. In one exhibit, the art exhbit was setup that you could walk through the painting as it was like a museum diaramma. At the time, I studied with professor Holmes, I had a concept of art and digital art. However, at that time, the computers were not able to do as much as I wished wished with digital art, and began my study using acyllic and ink. Most of the works are in ink and a few are in acrylic from the pre 1999 period and the 2004-2008 period.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – 2009 and Onward Period4
Chapter 2 – Pre 1999 Period22
Chapter 3 – 2000-2003 Period44
Chapter 4 – Conclusion52
I would like to show the progression of a fashion designer, myself, in terms of an artistic portfolio. The portfolio covers four periods as pre-1999, 2000-2003, 2004-2008, and 2009 – onward. The first portfolio will show works from 2009 and onward, and the next will shows works from pre-1999, 2000-2003, and 2004-2008. The philosophy is to show the works that are currently developed and the show the historical development of my fashion design works.
A little bit about me is that my art professor at UW-Parkside in Kenosha was David Holmes, MFA. His art involved the use of line and colors. In addition, his presentations involved the analysis of cultures and the use of interactive art. In one exhibit, the art exhbit was setup that you could walk through the painting as it was like a museum diaramma. At the time, I studied with professor Holmes, I had a concept of art and digital art. However, at that time, the computers were not able to do as much as I wished wished with digital art, and began my study using acyllic and ink. Most of the works are in ink and a few are in acrylic from the pre 1999 period and the 2004-2008 period.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – 2009 and Onward Period4
Chapter 2 – Pre 1999 Period22
Chapter 3 – 2000-2003 Period44
Chapter 4 – Conclusion52