This novel follows a man named Mr. Robert Arlotta. This is a story of the year that changed his life forever. This book is divided into two parts. The first is his story: his background, his ex-wife, their history, issues, and his eventual saving grace.
The second part is a diary of sorts which involves the complete destruction of a man, his constitutional rights, his rights as a father, and an annihilation of a war veteran’s military service. All this for one simple thing: Greed. This part is the complete diary of Robert’s journey through it all.
It shows how one person can be defeated by Courts, Judges, Lawyers, and the entitlements of money. Where accusations are proof, and evidence is thrown out if it proves you are innocent. You are no longer a father, but a pay check. The same courts who claim that children are their #1 priority, are the first ones to pull you from your children and leave their “child support” as a fighting coin until the end.