A Letter to My Daughter copyright © 2007, 2009 by Kim S. All rights reserved. Where my first book, A Letter to My Son, took me ten years to complete (from initial conception to publication), this second book was written in only two months time. It seemed to flow out of my mind faster than my hands could type ... a wonderful dilemma for a writer. When I wrote A Letter to My Daughter, I was in a positive frame of mind, and I wanted to find the best way I could to express that. I also wanted to show how my mindset had evolved over the past three years-to really contrast this book with my first. â?¢ So, where the first book dwells on dark topics like adversity and victimization, the second is focused on hope and personal accountability. â?¢ Where the first book cover is a pale yellow and gray colour, the second is covered with all kinds of colours. â?¢ My author picture on the first book is done in black and white, I appear sombre in it, and I'm standing alone with my back against a wall; my author picture on the second book is done in full colour, I appear cheerful in it, and I'm surrounded by people I love. â?¢ Of course, the puzzle also symbolizes our interconnection regardless of our individual beliefs. That was the purpose of this cover and book as a whole. It is me expressing a very joyful time in my life and sharing it with those I love. It is intended as an empowering message about being true to yourself while respecting other people's choices. It's about honouring all the different beliefs in our world and celebrating their similarities rather than belabouring their differences.
A Letter to My Daughter
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