In a midsummer's dawn, high in the woods above Beaumont Court, Charlotte Palmer encounters a man who at first sight she thinks is the ghost of Harry Beaumont, the buccaneer who built the Court in the 16th century.
His passionate kiss blasts away this illusion but when he extends a hand to her, an invitation to go with him, she hesitates and in a heartbeat he's gone. But not for long.
When the late baronet's heir arrives to take possession of the Court she discovers that Matthew Ryan might be the image of Elizabeth's favourite, but he has no interest in the title he's inherited or the beautiful Tudor manor built for Harry's beloved Maria.
Charlotte Palmer's family has been serving the Beaumont's for centuries and is horrified that he intends to wipe out the history of the family who rejected him. He's equally horrified that he's stuck with her under the terms of his late Uncle's will.
Charlotte has until the end of summer to persuade him to change his mind. A summer's lease before she will have to leave the only home she's ever known. and the man with whom, despite everything, she's fallen in love.
Can she change his mind about the house, about her, in the few short month before her time at Beaumont Court runs out?