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    Acupuncture for Beginners: Learn How Acupuncture Works for Weight Loss, Anxiety and Stress (English Edition)

    Por Jeff Robson


    Acupuncture Guide For Beginners

    Acupuncture is an ancient medical procedure that has been adopted by modern medicine. It is derived from traditional Chinese medicine thus it has been around for thousands of years. Traditional ancient medicine believes that the body is made up of energy called qi. Blockage of qi results to disorders and other health problems. Acupuncture uses needles to unblock all energy points in the body.There are many benefits of acupuncture and if you want to take advantage of this alternative treatment, then this book will serve as your guide.

    With this book, you will learn about the following:

    • Understand the basics of acupuncture. Chapter 1 discusses about the things that you need to know about acupuncture. These include the history of acupuncture, its conceptual basis and techniques in acupuncture. This chapter provides an in-depth discussion on the basic things that you need to know about acupuncture.
    • Chapter 2 discusses about the efficacy of acupuncture. This chapter also discusses about how it works which includes the explanation based on traditional Chinese medicine and western science. This chapter also discusses about the different conditions that can be treated using acupuncture including the benefits of this alternative treatment to obesity and better pregnancy as well as labor.
    • Lastly, Chapter 3 discusses about the things that you need to do to prepare before an acupuncture session. This chapter also shares tips on what you need to do to find a good acupuncturist as well as discusses side effects that you will feel after the acupuncture session.

    Acupuncture is a great alternative treatment that you can opt for to improve your well-being. However, many people are apprehensive about taking this treatment because it uses long needles.

    This book serves to dispel the myths about acupuncture thus encouraging people to try this treatment to experience good well-being.

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