(Portuguese Version)
Aircraft Heaven: Part 2
Aircraft lovers ARISE! For the 1st time an easy to read inspirational Aircraft eBook available today with great pictures and short stirring messages below. This New Release is designed especially for pilots, war veterans, aircraft mechanics, air traffic controllers, aircraft builders and designers and all those who love to fly in our beautiful blue skies.
Join Dr. Martin Oliver, Author of 27 Books and a Vietnam Veteran with up-to-date encouragement, motivation and clear-cut wisdom for living victoriously in a very difficult and often confusing world.
?Hi Doc, thanks for thinking of me. The book ??Aircraft Heaven?? is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing it with me. The artwork picture effects make them new and different. And of course the verses are thought provoking.? Lt. Col. L.L. USA
Aircraft Heaven: Part 2
Aircraft lovers ARISE! For the 1st time an easy to read inspirational Aircraft eBook available today with great pictures and short stirring messages below. This New Release is designed especially for pilots, war veterans, aircraft mechanics, air traffic controllers, aircraft builders and designers and all those who love to fly in our beautiful blue skies.
Join Dr. Martin Oliver, Author of 27 Books and a Vietnam Veteran with up-to-date encouragement, motivation and clear-cut wisdom for living victoriously in a very difficult and often confusing world.
?Hi Doc, thanks for thinking of me. The book ??Aircraft Heaven?? is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing it with me. The artwork picture effects make them new and different. And of course the verses are thought provoking.? Lt. Col. L.L. USA