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    Algebraic geometry and singularities

    Por LOPEZ, A. C., MACARRO, L. N.


    The focus of this volume lies on singularity theory in algebraic geometry. It includes papers documenting recent and original developments and methods in subjects such as resolution of singularities, D-module theory, singularities of maps and geometry of curves. The papers originate from the Third International Conference on Algebraic Geometry held in La Rabida, Spain, in December 1991. Since then, the articles have undergone a meticulous process of refereeing and improvement, and they have organized into a comprehensive account of the state of the art in this field. Table of Contents Introduction Plenary Conferences Specialized Conferences List of Participants I Resolution of Singularities: Desingularisation en dimension 3 et caracteristique p /Vincent Cossart Sur l'espace des coubres tracees sur une singularite/G. Gonzalez-Sprinberg, M. Lejeune-Jalabert Blowing up acyclic graphs and geometrical configurations/Carlos Marijuan On a Newton polygon approach to the uniformization of singularities of characteristic p /T.T. Moh Geometry of plane curves via toroidal resolution/Mutsuo Oka Introduction to the algorithm of resolution/Orlando Villamayor U. II Complex Singularities and differential Systems: Polarity with respect to a foliation/J. Garcia, A.J. Reguera On moduli spaces of semiquasihomogeneous singularities/Gert-Martin Greuel, Gerhard Pfister Stratification Properties of Constructible Sets/Zbigniew Hajto On the linearization problem and some questions for webs in C 2 /Alain Henaut Globalization of Admissible Deformations/Theo De Jong Caracterisation geometrique de l'existence du polynome de Bernstein relatif/J. Briançon, Ph. Maisonobe Le Polygone de Newton d'un Dx -module/Z. Mebkhout How good are real pictures?/David Mond Weighted homogeneous complete intersections/C.T.C. Wall III Curves and Surfaces: Degree 8 and genus 5 curves in P 3 and the Horrocks-Mumford bundle./M.R. Gonzalez-Dorrego Irreducible Polynomials of k ((X ))[Y ]/A. Granja Examples of Abelian Surfaces with Polarization type (1,3)/Isidro Nieto Semigroups and Clusters at Infinity/Ana-Jose Reguera López Cubic surfaces with double points in positive characteristic/Marko Roczen On the classification of reducible curve singularities/Jan Stevens Series: Progress in Mathematics, Volume 134
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