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    Allergic to Average: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Achieving Success, Confidence and Greatness (English Edition)

    Por Brandon Carter


    World Class Fitness Instructor Hands You The Keys to Build Your Physical, Intellectual and Inner Mastery by going AGAINST everything  you have been told before

    The TRUTH  about achieving financial and spiritual success and shaping your masculine core to its highest potential.

    From the day I was born until my early 20’s, I was (what I consider to be) a complete failure. I was skinny as a twig, could never get a date and was so broke that I literally was sleeping in my car. I had read all the books on fitness, personal development and success but after a few short weeks of excitement, I  would always end up back in the same spot.

    I look back on those days and still have trouble believing that just a few short years later, I would go on to become a massively successful online entrepreneur with 100,000,000 views on my YouTube videos, own a multi-million dollar fitness business, and have women initiating conversation with ME and asking permission to touch my arms.

    I want you to know that I’m not special and no matter where you are, you CAN turn it around. This is because my success story was no accident. It turned around for me because instead of just reading books, I started LEARNING the key principles of what it means to be a man that could be put into ACTION starting with the present moment. I would like to share these principles with you today.

    In Allergic to Average, you will learn…

    • The biggest lie your parents and teachers told you...and why it’s been holding you back for so many years

    • The most important keys in making the transition from boyhood to manhood, starting with something that seems “feminine”

    • Why Building a Network means the difference between rich and poor, and how you can build your own within less than a week with people you ALREADY know

    • What “Dress for Success” really means, as well as how you can begin dressing like a boss without spending a ton of money

    • How to stop being “Average” and become “Legendary” with a few minor tweaks in perspective

    • The Five “secrets” to becoming a leader in your industry, even if you’re not the “boss”

    • What Women REALLY want and why it’s often the opposite of what they say

    • How to strategically move up the ladder at any job without looking try-hard or overly ambitious

    • How to take your income and make your money work for YOU, instead of the other way around

    • And Much Much More...

    This book contains all of the most important methods and strategies I’ve used to go from a broke and skinny wimp, into a wealthy and swole pimp. It will do the same for you!

    100 % Guaranteed

    If Allergic to Average: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Confidence, Success and Greatness does not show you exactly what you need to do to easily master your finances, relationships and physique...if it does not take you by the hand and demonstrate the exact principles you need to become extremely successful in everything you do, then you will receive a full refund, no questions asked!

    You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. I’ll see you on the inside, just be sure to drop any “average” on your way in, as I am allergic.

    To Your Success,


    PS: “Your life is slowly ending, one minute at a time” -Tyler Durden. Don’t let life pass you by and scroll up and get Allergic to Average today.

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