The personality of Thomas Jefferson is in many ways the dominant note in the period from 1801 to 1811. In chapters I and II the author brings out how far Jefferson supposed himself to be inaugurating a new era, and in what respects he tried to undo or to supplant the work of his predecessors. After a brief chapter (III) on the Tripolitan War follows, in chapters IV, V, and VI, a systematic account of the conditions, progress, and results of the annexation of Louisiana... In chapter VII the exploration of the west is taken up... Chapter VIII is on the prohibition of the slave-trade. Chapters IX and X deal with the political controversies centring about the impeachment of Justice Chase and the defection of John Randolph on the Yazoo question. Chapters XI and XII again resume the thread of our frontier relations in West Florida and in Texas, including Burr's conspiracy. Thereafter the main subject of the book is the complications arising from the renewal of the war in Europe in 1803, and the consequent aggressions upon the neutral trade of the United States, including the Chesapeake-Leopard affair, the decrees and orders in council, the embargo and non-intercourse... The special and successful purpose of the author is to make clear how it was possible for the nation to expand in territory and in spirit, and for the federal government to gain consequence and authority, while at the same time the government was growing more democratic: it is a study in imperial democracy.
Contents: Organization of Jefferson's Administration (1801-1805). Republican Reformations (1801-1802). The Tripolitan War (1801-1804). La Louisiane (1684-1800). The Louisiana Purchase (1801-1803). The Administration of Louisiana (1803-1812). The Exploration of the West (1803-1806). Slavery and the Slave-Trade (1801-1808). The Chase Impeachment (1804-1805). John Randolph and the Yazoo Men (1801-1813). The End of the Harvest Season (1803-1805). The Burr Expedition (1805-1807). Foreign Relations (1805). The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair (1801-1807). The Belligerents and Neutral Commerce (1801-1807). The Embargo (1807-1808). Jefferson's Failure and Flight (1808-1809). International Complications (1809-1810). Madison and the Belligerents (1810-1811). Approach of War (1809-1812).
Contents: Organization of Jefferson's Administration (1801-1805). Republican Reformations (1801-1802). The Tripolitan War (1801-1804). La Louisiane (1684-1800). The Louisiana Purchase (1801-1803). The Administration of Louisiana (1803-1812). The Exploration of the West (1803-1806). Slavery and the Slave-Trade (1801-1808). The Chase Impeachment (1804-1805). John Randolph and the Yazoo Men (1801-1813). The End of the Harvest Season (1803-1805). The Burr Expedition (1805-1807). Foreign Relations (1805). The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair (1801-1807). The Belligerents and Neutral Commerce (1801-1807). The Embargo (1807-1808). Jefferson's Failure and Flight (1808-1809). International Complications (1809-1810). Madison and the Belligerents (1810-1811). Approach of War (1809-1812).