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    An Excerpt from the Fountain of Life Opened (English Edition)

    Por John Flavel


    The Fountain of Life Opened is one of John Flavel’s best known works, subtitled A Display of Christ in His Essential and Mediatorial Glory. Against the backdrop of the sinful state of man and the effects of Adam’s fall, Flavel traces with skillful application the doctrines of Christ’s essential glory, the covenant of redemption, His impeccability, His prophetical, priestly, and kingly offices, and His death, resurrection, ascension, and heavenly session. In a letter to a friend, A. W. Pink once wrote, “Fountain of Life is my favorite of [Flavel’s] works and I recently read the whole of it to my wife—one chapter each evening.” This booklet is an excerpt of one section, “The Kingly Office of Christ as Providentially Executed for the Redeemed,” which wonderfully proclaims Christ’s rule on behalf of His people in this day.
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