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    Around the Tube in 80 Pubs: A Guide to Some of the Best Pubs in London (English Edition)

    Por Mike Gerrard


    Around the Tube in 80 Pubs brings you 80 of the best pubs in London, all within a 10-minute walk of a tube station. Aimed at visitors and residents alike, the book covers some of the city's most historic pubs as well as some of the best of the newer arrivals, such as the BrewDog chain and the excellent pubs that have been opening at the mainline train stations.

    There's also a range of pubs chosen for their riverside or canalside locations. For overseas visitors not familiar with the tube, the book explains how to use it, how to buy your tickets and how to get to the station you want... then how to get to the pub.

    5-Star Reviews
    Amazon.com Verified Purchaser:
    "I was brought up in London and... was excited when I saw this book and had to buy it to see if I could visit some old haunts. I have to say the book didn't disappoint me and in fact I think it over-delivers in several ways. I expected to find a brief guide to pubs, where to go, how to get there by tube, and the opening times perhaps. But I found to my surprise that there is a lot of local history for each location which I found really interesting, plus advice on places to visit in the nearby vicinity, and a map showing me how to get there from the nearest tube station.

    There's info on what beers to expect, whether bar snacks are available, an idea of the decor, whether or not there's a garden, opening and closing times plus other practical info such as the phone number and website of each pub. This book is great for anyone who just wants good information to find a great pub for an evening out but if you would like to plan an outing discovering an area of London, say for an afternoon, then wind up in the pub afterwards, this book does that too. The authors give their own opinions for each pub they visited, and photos are included for all the pubs. Well worth five stars."

    Amazon UK Verified Purchaser
    "This is not just a guide to 80 great London pubs, it is also clever little guide to the city itself, perfect for natives and visitors alike. It's very well planned, with clear instructions on how to navigate the London underground system, making it seem as easy as it is.

    Each featured pub is no more than a 10-minute walk from a tube station and there's no getting lost because the authors describe exactly how to get to the pub.

    Not only will you drink some good beer but you'll go to interesting areas you'd never normally think of going to and learn something about the history, architecture and culture of 80 parts of London."

    Arranging the pubs alphabetically by tube station, there are cross-references and hyperlinks to all the tube stations and pubs right on the Table of Contents.

    Each entry has a map and a photo, as well as practical information on opening hours, when food is served, phone, address and website.

    There are step-by-step directions on how to find each pub when you exit the tube, and what you'll see on the way.

    Finally there's a full description of each pub, so you know whether it has outside seating, upstairs rooms, quiet corners, and what beers you might expect to find.

    Around the Tube in 80 Pubs
    Every pub has been visited several times. They were rated for atmosphere, the quality of the beer, the friendliness of the staff, and whether we would be happy to take friends to have a drink there.

    The Authors
    Pete Gerrard went to London to study for a degree in astronomy at University College London, and in the finest student tradition perfected a 9-pub crawl through some of the city's finest pubs. He's been extending his London pub crawl ever since. Two of those original nine (The Lamb and The Princess Louise) are in this book.

    Mike Gerrard is an award-winning travel and drinks writer, and a member of the British Guild of Beer Writers. He lived in London for 15 years, and has written about beer for magazines and websites including Beer Advocate, Perceptive Travel, The Huffington Post and Chilled Magazine.
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