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    Ayurveda Diet Recipes: The Secret to Ayurveda Food for Weight Loss and Detox (English Edition)

    Por Naomi Rowland


    Ayurveda Diet And What It Means For You

    Many of the diets that flood the internet and book world are mainly composed of ways on how to reach your weight loss goals. Although the Ayurvedic Diet can also help you achieve goals for losing weight, but its goals are not entirely limited to that facet of life. In fact, what makes the Ayurvedic Diet a notch above other diets is that it also helps you achieve a better overall well-being—emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally!

    Now who wouldn’t want to have that? Leading less stress lifestyle, becoming more mentally alert, becoming physically fit and equally important becoming at peace emotionally—the Ayurvedic Diet can help you achieve all these things.

    So what are you going to learn in this book?

    • Essentially, you will have a brief overview of the Ayurvedic Diet itself. How and why it is a proven diet. Where this diet came from and what Ayurveda means. Through this knowledge it will make it easy for you to grasp the concept behind it.
    • Then you will be taught about the different doshas or body types. This is important so that you will know which type of eating plan you should follow. By knowing your right dosha, you will know what foods to favor and what foods to minimize or avoid.
    • Of course, this book will not be complete without the dosha quiz. The dosha quiz will help you how to identify your right body type.
    • Lastly, there are three doshas that’s why we have also categorized the recipes into three chapters. Each chapter will correspond to a certain dosha, and thus all recipes within a chapter are perfect for consumption for that specific dosha. Therefore, before trying a recipe ensure that it is under your dosha.

    Overall, what’s great about this book is that it is perfect for use for those who are beginning the Ayurvedic Diet.

    It is especially useful because a beginner does not yet know what dosha they are and thus the book has recipes for all three doshas.

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