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    Baby Sleep Solutions for Exhausted Parents: Practical and Proven Methods For Getting Your Child To Nap and Sleep Peacefully Through the Night so They Are … Happiest Baby on the Block (English Edition)

    Por Meredith McDow


    Baby Sleep Solutions for Exhausted Parents

    ”All you want is to get a good night’s sleep and this book has some great solutions
    for pretty much every situation I've seen. I highly recommend it.” - Jeffrey

    You’re exhausted. You haven’t slept in what feels like years. Your new baby is crying….constantly.

    Your husband just backed over the mailbox on the way to work because he’s so weary from lack of rest.

    You’ve tried “everything” and nothing is working.

    Does this sound like you? Are you so tired you don’t know whether you’re coming or going?
    You love your new baby, but why won’t she sleep at least a few continuous hours at night?
    Even napping in the afternoon is a fitful challenge. Rest assured, there is a way. There is help.

    Baby Sleep Solutions for Exhausted Parents will help you get your child to nap AND sleep
    through the night using practical and proven methods

    I’m actually the least likely person to be writing a book like this as I’m not a doctor and I
    don’t have a professional background. However, I do have a drive and determination to
    share all I have learned through researching countless articles, books, and blogs, talking
    with physicians, pediatricians, and several specialists in the field to bring you the tips and
    techniques in this book. Not only that, I have successfully used many of these methods
    while raising my own 3 children.

    I have tried to cover a wide range of conditions and “what if” scenarios to give you the
    best options available for helping you and your little one get the rest you need
    and deserve. Please keep in mind that not every method will work for every child and
    what worked for the first may not work for the second or third. The important thing to
    remember is to keep adjusting the techniques you use as your child grows and learns.
    You are sure to find many practical and proven tips in this handy guide, so jump right
    in and start learning today so you can get your rest tonight.

    Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...
    • Why is Sleep so Important?
    • Does Your Child Have A Sleep Problem?
    • Sleep Solutions and Strategies
    • Is Co-Sleeping A Good Idea
    • Coping with Colic, Crankiness and Crying
    • Teaching Your Baby the Art of Sleeping
    • Naps – Good or Bad?
    • Dealing with Travel and Other Interruptions in Routine
    • And much, much more!

    There’s a learned “art” to sleeping. It’s not exactly innate from birth. Therefore,
    we, as parents, must help our children to learn to sleep.

    It’s true. We aren’t born knowing how to sleep. It’s something our bodies learn over
    time. No, this book isn’t specifically about “sleep training.” It’s also not another one
    of those “cry-it-out” books the market seems to be flooded with these days. It is,
    however, packed full of the best practical and proven techniques known to man for
    helping your little one get the sleep they need so you can get the rest you need.
    Helping your child learn how to sleep is a gift to your child that will have long-lasting,
    positive implications.

    This book is a wonderful middle ground for those parents who do not want a
    severe schedule (BabyWise) or the opposite end of the spectrum, attachment
    parenting (Dr. Sears)

    If you are an exhausted parent of a newborn, or even a parent-to-be, I wrote this
    book just for you. I struggled getting my first child to sleep and nap consistently.
    My husband and I were exhausted and at our wits end. I vowed if I ever found a
    method, tip or trick that worked I would share it with every parent I knew so that
    they could experience a good night’s rest. And that’s exactly what this book is, my
    labor of love to help you get that rest you need and desire.

    Buy this book now to begin learning how to help your little one nap and sleep through the night!
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