I am keenly interested in the proliferation of the federal criminal code, now at twenty-seven thousand pages and counting.
The Constitution names only three federal offenses: treason, piracy, and counterfeiting.
Today there are over forty-five hundred federal crimes, and the number continues to grow as Congress gets tougher on crime and the federal prosecutors become more creative in finding ways to apply all their new laws.
In the history of the United States, Only four active federal judges have been murdered. It is remarkable that more federal judges are not shot.
-New York Times best-seller
"The Racketeer", by John Grisham
The Constitution names only three federal offenses: treason, piracy, and counterfeiting.
Today there are over forty-five hundred federal crimes, and the number continues to grow as Congress gets tougher on crime and the federal prosecutors become more creative in finding ways to apply all their new laws.
In the history of the United States, Only four active federal judges have been murdered. It is remarkable that more federal judges are not shot.
-New York Times best-seller
"The Racketeer", by John Grisham