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    Beekeeping for Beginners: The Ultimate Beekeeping 101 Guide (English Edition)

    Por Kevin Hoard


    Sweeten your life with beekeeping

    If you feel the need to sweeten your life, why not take up beekeeping? Backyard beekeeping is growing in popularity, even in urban areas. Those who have taken it up swear to the many benefits it has brought to their lives – including providing a way to escape from the stresses of daily life and, of course, giving them a source of honey, one of nature’s great natural sweeteners. And you can even help the environment by raising bees since you are helping to reverse the loss of wild colonies due to parasitic mites, pesticides, and urbanization.

    Beekeeping also provides you with an invaluable opportunity to get close to nature. When you work with bees, you gain an increased appreciation of the wonders of the natural world. You also continue to discover and learn new things from beekeeping, knowledge that you can share with others by helping them to become beekeepers or by lecturing or even teaching courses at a community college.

    Beekeeping for Beginners: the Ultimate Beekeeping 101 Guide will give you a brief overview of everything you need to know to start a hive in your backyard. Here are some of the things that are covered in the book:

    • Why keep bees? Learning about the benefits of being a beekeeper
    • Ensuring a successful colony by choosing the right strain
    • Creating a hive: everything you need to know about building one that will help your bees thrive
    • Keeping a hive in your backyard – tips for ensuring that you don’t panic the neighbors
    • Populating your hive – buying package bees and placing them in the hive
    • Harvesting honey – how to safely extract this liquid gold from the hive

    If you want to start being a backyard beekeeper, download Beekeeping for Beginners today.

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