The brewing of beer is regarded by many as an operation of a simple and more or less mechanical description, which is not of sufficient importance to merit study or of sufficient interest to cJaim a share of their attention. It is in the hope of doing something, even. though it be but little, to correct this widely spread impression, that I have most willingly accepted the invitation to contribute this little work. To prevent any misunderstanding, I may say at once that it is not intended to serve as a text-book for the student of brewing and still less as a hand-book for the practical brewer. In it I have only referred to methods of practical working when such reference was necessary for the purpose of affording a general view of the process, or appeared to render the application of certain principles more intelligible. I have in fact confined myself as far as possible to an explanation of the principles underlying the various parts of the brewing process, and have endeavoured in describing these to employ language which should be intelligible to the well-educated layman
Brewing | How To Brew Your Own Beer From Scratch | Brewing Homebrew (Lost Master Keys of the Homebrewery Book 5) (English Edition)
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