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    Coconut Oil and Coconut Flour Miracles (Paleo Ketogenic Recipes): Your Coconut Miracle Recipe and Natural Remedy Handbook: Lose Belly Fat, Beat Inflammation, … Healing Handbook Book 1) (English Edition)

    Por Toni Austin


    The coconut is being recognised today as a wonder food that also has remarkable healing properties

    Now you can benefit your own health and wellbeing, naturally, comfortably and effectively

    One of the most wonderful and completely natural products for promoting health and all round wellbeing is the humble yet incredibly delicious coconut. Renowned for thousands of years as an excellent source of healthy nutrition yet versatile as a material for making tools, weaving mats and even functioning as ballast in sea-going rafts and canoes, the coconut is being recognised today as a wonder food that also has remarkable healing properties. Yet there are also many myths about this miracle fruit that deserve closer scrutiny and this beautiful book bundle of natural cures and coconut uses dispels the tall tales and reveals the majesty of this ancient yet highly beneficial food source.

    Natural healing covers a very broad range of topics and the amazing Toni Austin brings her encyclopaedic knowledge of natural cures to the table with a brilliant guide to the specific uses of many traditional products that can be found in your local grocery store and health food outlet. With a definite focus on the many uses of coconut and its fabulous by-products, this wide-ranging collection of health-enhancing ideas can be used to improve the quality of your life and the lives of your loved ones.

    Drawing on ancient, time-tested traditions and the benefits of modern, scientific research, this handsome exploration of so many natural cures and health boosters is a treasure chest of incredibly useful ideas and practical methods for addressing a host of health conditions and can make a profound difference to your health and wellbeing.

    Amongst an amazing collection of proven methods, you can learn how to

    • Use pure virgin coconut oil to stop hair loss and promote new hair growth
    • Diminish lines and wrinkles with coconut oil cream
    • Save a small fortune on health and beauty products by switching to natural coconut
    • Incorporate coconut oil in your food preparation to boost your health
    • Lose weight by including coconut in your daily diet

    ˃˃˃ Take control of your health, your weight and fitness the way Nature intended

    Reduce the risk of heart disease

    Combat the risks of cancers

    Look and feel years younger

    Cook with coconut oil and flour to create fabulous flavours

    Improve digestion

    Eliminate a host of syndromes with totally natural products

    In the days before the pharmaceutical industry asserted its dominance over the health concerns of the population, people relied on simpler and less controversial methods to deal with their health issues and many of those methods are now being revived for the simple reason that they’re highly effective. They work. And they work without the side effects associated with many prescription drugs. Now you can benefit from this amazing knowledge and boost your own health and wellbeing, naturally, comfortably and effectively.

    Download this important information today and begin to experience the benefits of a wholly natural approach to complete health and wellbeing. You deserve it.

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