This book is well packed with useful information that will direct PaintShop users (amateurs and professionals) to handle their image work right with the following options, features, techniques and shortcuts compiled by Shortcuts Matters group.
Fundamental Knowledge of Keyboard Shortcuts: Definition of Computer Keyboard,Ways To Improve In Your Typing Skill, Mouse, Definition Of Keyboard Shortcuts, Why You Should Use Shortcuts, Ways To Become A Lover Of Shortcuts, How To Learn New Shortcut Keys, Your Reward For Knowing Shortcut Keys, Why We Emphasize On The Use of Shortcuts.
15(Fifteen) Special Keyboard Shortcuts.Tips, Techniques, and Keyboard Shortcuts for use in PaintShop Pro.
Removing Digital Noise in PaintShop Pro.
How to Install PaintShop Pro e-Books.
Paintshop Pro Keyboard Shortcuts.
*File Menu.
*Edit Menu.
*View Menu.
*Image Menu.
*Color Menu.
*Selection Menu.
*Window Menu.
*Tool Palette Tools and Brushes.
This step-by-step and easy to use guide will provide you with the right guidelines needed to get your image job done quickly, accurately, and productively.
*File Menu.
*Edit Menu.
*View Menu.
*Image Menu.
*Color Menu.
*Selection Menu.
*Window Menu.
*Tool Palette Tools and Brushes.
This step-by-step and easy to use guide will provide you with the right guidelines needed to get your image job done quickly, accurately, and productively.