This short story compilation tells of some of my more memorable sexual encounters, as I use the Craigslist Casual Encounters section to facilitate my sexual curiosity and adventurous nature for several years. From the ages of seventeen until my mid twenties, Craigslist was my primary source of casual sexual adventure. This adventure took me to many parts of Florida, including major Universities, the cities of Daytona, Miami, and Orlando, and just about everywhere in between. This is a first hand in depth account of what it was like to meet up with women who were looking for sex and adventure not just online, but through Craigslist of all places. From Gangbangs, to Sorority girls, mild to wild sexual encounters, people I recognized from my personal life, to pseudo relationships with girls I met online. This book contains a pretty broad range of experiences I have had on Craigslist as a straight guy looking for fun in what is probably considered one of the strangest of places.
Craigslist chronicles, the
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