From a preeminent authorship team, Criminal Law and its Processes: Cases and Materials, Tenth Edition, continues in the tradition of its best-selling predecessors by providing students not only with a cohesive policy framework through which they can understand and examine the use of criminal laws as a means for social control but also analytic tools to understand and apply important criminal law doctrines. Instead of presenting the elements of various crimes in a disjointed fashion, Criminal Law and its Processes: Cases and Materials focuses on having students develop a nuanced understanding of the underlying principles, rules, and policy rationales that inform all criminal laws. A cases-and-notes pedagogy along with scholarly excerpts, questions, and notes, provides students with a rich foundation for not only the academic examination of criminal laws but also the application of the law to real-world scenarios.
- Retains prior edition’s principal cases and Notes and Questions approach to explain and probe fundamental concepts.
- Notes updated to incorporate contemporary cases and recent news touching on criminal law.
- Inclusion of additional preeminent cases in the field of criminal law, including:
- Yates v. United States, 135 S. Ct. 1074, (Supreme Court application of common statutory interpretation techniques and the rule of lenity)
- Rosamond v. United States, 134 S. Ct. 1240, (Supreme Court examination of accomplice liability)
- Perry v. Florida (examination of the agreement requirement for conspiracy through the lens of a Florida sexual battery offense).
- Theft (chapter 9) substantially revised to include new principal case dealing with trespassers takers in the credit card context.
- Expanded discussion of: mass incarceration and prosecutorial/law enforcement discretion; and, the intersections between race and criminal la