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    CRP CUBA HAVANA 2015 (Japanese Edition)




    It is just before sunset. I find shelter from a sudden downpour under the eave of a building.
    Standing there, I hear music coming from somewhere further inside the adjacent apartment.
    Drawn towards the sound, I turn my ear towards the half-closed, dimly lit shutters when an old man calls out to me from within.
    “My grandson is in the garage practicing with his band. You want to take a look?”
    “I’d like to see that! I’d like to hear that!” I reply, and the man guides me inside.
    I was drawn to Cuba through my love of Latin music and because I was fascinated by a country that had not been touched by capitalism,
    in spite of its proximity to the United States.
    Reaching the garage, I find a huge band comprised of ten young people. They were playing Latin rhythms with a dose of hip hop
    – not the sort of sound you would find emerging from Japan.
    “I actually like Eminem best,” the band leader tells me in broken English. “I love Japanese manga!”
    Here I was, in a socialist country that took me a whole day to reach from Japan – these words took me back somewhat.

    Once relations are back on track with the US, the nostalgic reminders of a time past in this nation will give way to the mundane scenery
    we are all familiar with. But this kind of selfish thought – wanting things to stay as they are – held by mere travelers such as myself may
    be at complete odds with the sentiments of those who live in this city.

    僕はもちろん「見たい! 聴きたい!」と答え、中へと案内された。

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