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    Cure Your Fibromyalgia without Medication: Fibromyalgia Treatment and Pain Relief with Diet and Exercises (English Edition)

    Por Jeff Robson


    Learn how to live with your Fibromyalgia without suffering

    Battling with Fibromyalgia is no easy feat. This book is especially useful for people who are suffering from the condition or for those who are caring for a loved one with fibromyalgia.

    In this book you will learn a lot about what fibromyalgia is. You will also get to know better and in the point of view of a fibromyalgia sufferer, see how much pain they are suffering. And worse—they are also suffering from credibility issues because there is no presenting part that shows pain. Unlike people who have lacerations or broken bones—when they complain of pain, people can see right away the cause. But, with fibromyalgia, there’s nothing there to clue you in on how and why it hurts; thus fibromyalgia sufferers endure more pain due to credibility problems.

    So, what else are you going to learn in this book? Here’s a quick list of what’s inside:

    • Be prepared to understand what fibromyalgia is and in order to do that, you will be walked in detail on the many symptoms that a patient can possibly suffer from; because this is the only way that the diseases is easily understood.
    • Since the disease is untreatable, know what could be the cause of fibromyalgia and the risk factors associated with it.
    • We have listed a whole lot of alternative fibromyalgia treatment modalities in this book. It ranges from exercises, diets, supplements and even therapies that help patients manage their myofascial trigger points.
    • And above all, we have a whole chapter dedicated to how you can personally manage your life to alleviate the symptoms caused by this disease. We have enumerated ways, tips and tricks on how you can manage your sleeping habits, soothing your sore muscles and even how to support a nutrition that won’t trigger your fibromyalgia symptoms to flare up.

    Download the book today and learn how treat your Fibromyalgia with diet and exercises

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