In these lectures the great preacher Lloyd-Jones goes through virtually every area of systematic theology bringing both great insight and heart-felt application to his hearers. Truly, this is theology that “preaches” the wonders of the gospel. E4’s topical index helps you find exactly where your subject is dealt with. Areas covered include: Revelation; Bible; Existence; Attributes; Names and Decrees of God; Angels; Demons; Creation; Providence; the Fall; Imputation; Covenant of Grace; New Covenant; Christ’s Person, Incarnation, Humanity and Deity, Atonement, Substitution, and Offices of Priest, Prophet and King; Person, Deity, Work, and Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Pentecost; Common Grace; Redemption; Effectual Calling; Regeneration; Adoption; Union with Christ; Repentance; Faith; Assurance; Justification; Sanctification; Nature, and Marks of the Church; Baptism; Lord’s Super; Death; Immortality; the Second Coming; the Book of Revelation; Final Judgment; Heaven and more! Theology "Preached"
Lloyd-Jones has been called "the best preacher of this century" with good reason: he gives a deep exposition of the text in such a way that challenges the mind and sets the heart of fire. It feels like someone has laid out a feast for your soul. Bob says, "I’ve never heard or read better preaching than Lloyd-Jones."
Lloyd-Jones has been called "the best preacher of this century" with good reason: he gives a deep exposition of the text in such a way that challenges the mind and sets the heart of fire. It feels like someone has laid out a feast for your soul. Bob says, "I’ve never heard or read better preaching than Lloyd-Jones."