A debut collection of fourteen multi-genre flash fiction pieces and short stories from a published author that refuses to be pigeonholed and writes only what his brain is screaming for him to write. From general fiction to Bizarro fantasy, and from twisted horror and zombies to full-blown erotica, this short collection has it all!Full Table of contents:1. Eyes. (horror)2. Darke Times. (fantasy)3. Jack & Jill (and Steve). (science fiction)4. The Teeth Police. (horror)5. Bad Luck. (dystopian fiction)6. Bartender, Keep em Coming! (general fiction)7. Jeepers Creepers! Death is a Tweeter! (humorous fiction)8. The Empty Page. (horror)9. Autopilot. (general fiction)10. The Final Lesson. (zombie horror)11. A Mothers Love. (science fiction)12. All Sunshine Makes the Desert. (science fiction)13. Doing it For JRD (Judgement, Revenge & Deliverance). (horror erotica)14. The Soldier Fires Off A Shot. (erotica)
Darke times and other stories
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