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    Dating For Men: How To Perfect Your Pick Up Game: Dating Advice For Men Chapter 1 How To Be Confident (Attract Women, Law Of Attraction, Social Anxiety, Codependency) (English Edition)

    Por Christopher Harris


    How to perfect your pick up game: Dating advice for men Chapter 1 How to be confident is the first in a five part series designed to help you perfect your dating game and introduce the perfect woman into your life. The first book focuses on your confidence, why you aren’t confident and how to build upon it to attract women.

    Inside focuses on what you need to do to feel happy and complete as a man. The only way you’re going to have long term success with women is to be happy in your own skin first, because this will show through your body language and your take it or leave it approach. Women love men that have options, who act worthy, who are happy and feel complete as a man and they love to feel a man’s strength.

    There are several strategies you’ll learn to build up to actually approach a woman without fear. Most average guys go out ‘to get laid’ but it’s the guys that are laid back, just going about their day/night that get all the women flooding at their feet and why is this? It’s all in their body language, they’re laid back, just out for a good time and they don’t care who knows it which demonstrates they aren’t hungry for it. Women can tell by this that they’re successful with women and they perceive themselves as a catch, women can pick up on guy’s strength and his success and they find this to be most attractive. These are the type of guys that women will actually approach which makes the whole process tenfold easier.

    Another thing you’ll learn is that you really have no competition, you’re really only competing with yourself. It’s about finding that mind set where you can take it or leave it, or in this case you’ll be happy to have a woman in your life but you’d be just as happy without her. This is the perfect mind set to have, but the road to get there isn’t as straight forward. This isn’t a quick fix but if all principles are applied on a daily basis, you’re guaranteed success. It’s all about repetition after repetition to become the person you want to be, there is no quick change… only progress.

    Having success with women isn’t just about knowing the right thing to say or how to act a certain way, it’s about being happy in your own skin, it’s about being happy and satisfied with yourself first before you even get into a relationship, because if you aren’t you’re most probably looking for a woman to complete you, rather than two complete people being together to share each other’s completeness. Until you can get to the place where you are truly happy at your core and feel complete as a man, then and only then will you have a healthy space in your life for a woman to fill.

    You need to be happy in what you’re doing for a living and you have to feel like you’re progressing, achieving and breaking through barriers, you must pursue a career you love or focus on building a business or whatever, you need to have hobbies and a healthy social life, it’s all about being happy in your skin. If you aren’t happy being on your own, if you aren’t in that place yet, then you need to do the work on yourself first before you can attract a beautiful woman into your life to have a long lasting, healthy and loving relationship. Nobody should complete you, accept you. If you aren’t self-satisfied first you’re going to look for this in another to feel validated in your world which is a bad way to go. If you aren’t happy in your skin and your occupation etc. it will become very apparent to the opposite sex, you may have a little success but somewhere down the line if you don’t do the work on yourself that you need to, you’ll still get rejected.

    The subjects inside include:
    •Attracting Women- Looks or Courage?
    •Be bold and proud
    •You have no competition
    •Dealing with anxiety
    •Be confident smart and wise
    •Don’t miss an opportunity
    •Maintaining your emotions
    •Making moves confidently
    •Presenting yourself with pride
    •Be more dauntless and self-assured
    •Leaving all uneasiness behind
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