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    Devil’s Briar (English Edition)

    Por Amy Cross


    When Paula Mitchell follows her husband Bill into the remote Colorado wilderness, she never expects them to stumble upon a deserted ghost town.

    Devil's Briar has been abandoned for many decades, but it soon becomes clear that the town harbors some dark secrets. What happened to the people of Devil's Briar, and why are both Paula and Bill starting to see and hear strange things as they explore the town?

    Meanwhile, back in 1925, the people of Devil's Briar welcome a new arrival. Thomas Paternoster is a secretive scientist who immediately becomes a central figure in the community. However, just as it seems that Devil's Briar is poised to achieve greatness, the true extent of Paternoster's plan becomes apparent, setting in chain a series of events that will have terrible repercussions not only for the townsfolk, but also for Paula and Bill almost a century later.

    Please note: This book contains violence and adult language. Not suitable for children.
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