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    Digital Image Processing Techniques for Detecting Plant or Animal Diseases

    Por Yogash Joshi


    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Biologie - Sonstige Themen, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: To research on the image of proliferating epithelium is a sheet of dividing cells that adhere to each other strongly. Our research how these sheets divide is important both for development and disease diagnosis. The arrangement of cell division is one of the key mechanisms that drive the development of living organisms. Abnormal divisions lead to cancer. Our research focuses on cellular shape characteristics.

    In this research intends to propose a topological framework that yields new insights into the underlying mechanisms that govern cell shape dynamics in proliferating epithelia. A recent study strongly suggests that cell division planes are not chosen at random, but is instead actively regulated to suppress variation in cell shape within a proliferating epithelium. To prove the theory, this study intends to identify epithelial cells which were counted automatically by a code written in Matlab 2013b.

    Then automatic segmentation and morphometric analysis of cell cytoplasm and nucleus was performed. Finally geometric features of normal oral epithelial cells like cellular and nuclear area and perimeter, cellular and nuclear form perimeter and contour index have been studied and presented. These data will in turn help in epithelial topology assessment .The differences in the normal and abnormal images for various diagnostic variables will be compared then it will give us better insight on computer assisted automated disease diagnostics.
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