Discover The Life And Teachings Of Earl Nightingale (Including The Strangest Secret) Today!!
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The life of the man who is arguably one of the greatest philosophers of his era began in a time when one would not expect such a profound outcome. Born in Los Angeles, California on March 12, 1921, while America was struggling to overcome The Great Depression, Earl Nightingale’s humble beginnings proved to be an ideal setting. In his prime, he earned the title of the “Dean of Personal Development”, but there was once a time when hopefulness was not a part of his everyday reality. The country’s most inspirational motivational speaker and author was inspired by his meager surroundings.
At just 12 years old, Earl witnessed his father, Earl the 4th, walk out on his mother, Gladys “Honey” Nightingale and his two brothers. Millions of American citizens were already unemployed and, now, Honey and her three boys joined the ranks of the needy. To support them, she took a job working in a sewing factory at the Works Progress Administration (WPA). At the time, the WPA was credited for developing 8 million jobs for the unemployed and distributing clothes, food, and housing to the poor.
Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy Today
•Earl Nightingale's Life Story
•The Strangest Secret
•The Importance Knowing And Manifesting What You Want In Life
•How To Incorporate Earl Nightingale's Message Into Your Own Life
•The Growth of Earl Nightingale's Business Ventures
•Earl Nightingale's Contribution To Modern Motivational Speakers
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The contents of this book are easily worth over $5, but for a limited time you can download "Earl Nightingale" for a special discounted price of only $2.99