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    Electric Power Supply and Distribution, Plant Supply, Electrical Design: Lightning And Static Electricity Protection And Cathodic Protection (English Edition)

    Por U.s. Department of Defense


    1. This manual provides Department of the Army
    and Air Force policy and guidance for design
    criteria and standards for electrical power supply
    and distribution systems.

    2. Information and criteria in this manual
    will guide engineering design personnel in determining
    the adequacy of lightning and static electricity
    protection systems for all types of facilities.
    Policy and procedure of design development and
    tests are also included. Referenced criteria, codes,
    and standards are intended to include provisions for
    normal type facilities, which when integrated with
    criteria included herein, establish complete provisions
    for these protection systems. The standards
    and methods of system protection discussed are intended
    as the most practical and economical means of
    accomplishing protection of real property and avoidance
    of casualties to personnel. These criteria will not
    provide suitable protection for construction contractors’

    3. This manual presents general provisions and criteria for
    planning, designing, and constructing lighting systems for
    Army airfields, heliports, and helipads.

    4. a. General: This manual provides engineering
    data and criteria for designing electric power plants
    where the size and characteristics of the electric
    power load and the economics of the particular facility
    justify on-site generation. Maximum size of
    plant considered in this manual is 30,000 kW.
    b. References: A list of references used in this
    manual is contained in Appendix A. Additionally, a
    Bibliography is included identifying sources of material
    related to this document.

    5. Purpose. one small section of a pipeline may be anodic
    This manual presents design guidance for cathodic
    protection systems.
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