Five Powerful Catholic Novena Prayers That Will Change Your Life. Novena prayers specially optimized for Amazon Kindle. Novena comes from the Latin Language and means nine. A Novena is a series of nine prayers and its Scriptural origin is from the nine days or prayer prior to Pentecost. The apostles and disciples after the Ascension of Our Lord gathered in the upper room and prayed together with Mary, the Mother of Jesus (Acts 1:4-5).
Jesus asked us to continually ask, seek, and knock for what we need (Lk 11:10), and he gave us examples of the value of persistence in prayer — like the widow who kept pleading with the judge (Lk 18:1-8) and the man who woke his neighbor in the middle of the night to give him bread (Lk 11:5-9).
Novenas help us focus on our intentions to God so we can more effectively pray for our needs and give thanksgiving and placing our deep trust in Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Novenas also can help us to focus our intentions so that we can more effectively give thanks for God's response to our needs — whatever they are — placing ever greater trust in the Lord Jesus.
Jesus asked us to continually ask, seek, and knock for what we need (Lk 11:10), and he gave us examples of the value of persistence in prayer — like the widow who kept pleading with the judge (Lk 18:1-8) and the man who woke his neighbor in the middle of the night to give him bread (Lk 11:5-9).
Novenas help us focus on our intentions to God so we can more effectively pray for our needs and give thanksgiving and placing our deep trust in Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Novenas also can help us to focus our intentions so that we can more effectively give thanks for God's response to our needs — whatever they are — placing ever greater trust in the Lord Jesus.