Love Scrivener? Me too. Microsoft Word? Not so much. But many publishers, agents, and industry professionals require manuscripts in a properly styled Word document.
For good reason. Styles are an essential and powerful feature. Mastering them is a critical component of being a writer, especially in the age of the Kindle and self-publishing.
By now, you might be thinking, Yeah, but doesn't Scrivener export Word documents? It sure does . . . with no styles and therefore a whole mess 'o direct formatting, which can make working with a large manuscript much more painful and error prone than it has to be.
In this casual, short, and thorough ebook, I'll teach you all about Word's paragraph and character styles as well as a (mostly) painless way to convert your Scrivener manuscript to a Word document with proper styling.
So why not get styling?
For good reason. Styles are an essential and powerful feature. Mastering them is a critical component of being a writer, especially in the age of the Kindle and self-publishing.
By now, you might be thinking, Yeah, but doesn't Scrivener export Word documents? It sure does . . . with no styles and therefore a whole mess 'o direct formatting, which can make working with a large manuscript much more painful and error prone than it has to be.
In this casual, short, and thorough ebook, I'll teach you all about Word's paragraph and character styles as well as a (mostly) painless way to convert your Scrivener manuscript to a Word document with proper styling.
So why not get styling?