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    Genes for the Joyous Life (English Edition)

    Por Kazuo Murakami


    Known as one of the worldʼs leading genetic researchers, Dr. Kazuo Murakami, who in this book talks about his own religious background as well, draws on the latest research findings on the mind and genes to discuss a variety of issues facing the world, including embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, genetic modification technology, cancer immunotherapy, addiction, obesity and hunger, and bird flu outbreaks. The last chapter features a dialogue between His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet and Dr. Murakami.
    (This book, being published in e-book form, presents an English translation of Yokigurashi no idenshi, published in Japan in 2007.)

    ― Author―
    Kazuo Murakami was born on December 26, 1935, in Tenri City, Nara Prefecture. After having received his doctorate in agricultural chemistry from the Graduate School of Agriculture at Kyoto University, he became a researcher at Oregon Health and Science University. He then served as assistant professor at Vanderbilt University. In 1978, Dr. Murakami became professor of applied biochemistry at the University of Tsukuba. He attracted international attention for deciphering the genetic code of the human enzyme rennin, thought to be responsible for hypertension. In 1996, he was awarded with the Japan Academy Prize for his achievements. Currently, he serves as professor emeritus at the University of Tsukuba and as director of Bio Laboratory in the Foundation for Advancement of International Science.

    Chapter 1: FAITH
    1. God the Parent's Workings in the World of Science
    2. The Second Shinbashira's Parental Guidance Never Forgotten
    3. Why It Is Difficult to Be a Plain “Fool” while Pursuing Academics
    4. A Hospital Providing Medical and Spiritual Care: Only One of Its Kind
    5. Why I Came to Believe That the “Use of the Mind Influences How Genes Function”
    6. Dreaming of the Day When “Genes for the Joyous Life” Are Discovered
    Chapter 2: SCIENCE
    1. True Science Is What Unveils the Path Leading to a Mountain Top Called “God's World”
    2. Science Is Proving the Efficacy of Prayer
    3. The Existence of the Soul, “Passing Away for Rebirth,” and “Being Reborn into This World” from the Perspective of Modern Science
    4. Atmosphere of Contempt for Life and Rebellion by Viruses
    5. Cloning Technology Challenges Us to Examine What Constitutes the Joyous Life
    6. Decoding of Rice Genome Brought Out My Potential
    Chapter 3: GENES
    1. Does Genetic Modification Technology Create Monsters?
    2. Alcoholism from Perspective of Genetics and Spirituality
    3. Thinking about Food Issues in Light of Polarization between Obesity and Hunger
    4. A Revived Debate in America?Between Theories of Evolution and Intelligent Design
    5. In Pursuit of Education That Can Activate Dormant Genes
    6. Potential Risk of New Influenza Strain and Human Immune System
    7. Something in Common between Latest Cancer Immunotherapy and Pilgrimage to Jiba
    Chapter 4: PRAYER
    1. Reflecting upon Myself as a Yoboku Working in the Field of Science
    2. My Third Resolution for the 120th Anniversary of Oyasama
    3. The Publication of The Divine Code of Life and the Lecture Tour in the U.S.
    4. The Feedback from the U.S. Audience
    5. Science of “Moderation,” a Keyword for Modern Society
    6. “Parental Love Will Change the World”: Scenes from the Hiroshima International Peace Summit 2006
    7. My Resolution for the Next Ten Years: Studying the Relationship between Prayer and Gene Expressions
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