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    Get Unstuck Now: How Smart People Gain Clarity and Solve a Problem Fast, And How You Can Too (English Edition)

    Por Laura van den Berg Sekac


    Would You Like to Make a Fresh Start?

    Do you struggle to achieve your goals and dreams instead of living a life that fulfills you? Do you wish you had more clarity about what's really going on in your life, so you can work more effectively through your problems and challenges instead of feeling confused, stuck, overwhelmed, and almost wanting to give up?

    If you answered YES to any of these, Get Unstuck Now may be the right book for you.

    If you feel stuck, you're not alone. Most of us have felt the frustrating sense of feeling trapped, of being unable to change our circumstances, express our creativity, or finding clarity about our purpose in life.

    You might feel stuck in a job you hate, in an unhappy marriage, toxic relationship, or in a challenging situation. You even might feel stuck in your entire life, and wish to change everything – craving for some magic key that unlocks the door you’re stuck behind.

    What if, instead of racking your brains, there WAS such a key? Would you be interested?

    Your "Problem" May Not Be the Real Problem

    When we get stuck or procrastinate, we usually think that the problem is due to our lack of discipline, talent, or dedication. But that’s rarely the case. On the whole, there’s often an underlying conflict or confusion that prevent us to go on. When we understand what’s really going on in our life, often, half of our problems and challenges will naturally resolve themselves. When we are crystal clear, we feel lighter in our hearts. We know in our heart what action we need to take, and instead of ruminating thoughts and sleepless nights, we can open our mind to creative solutions.

    To Unstuck, You Must Go Much Deeper

    Because, if you cannot resolve a problem, it may be an indication that you’re not solving the right level of the problem.

    In another words: in order to solve a problem or overcome a challenge, you must go deeper, and broaden your perspective as much as possible. To broaden your perspective, you must involve your HEART, and be willing to KNOW and LOVE YOURSELF MORE. If you do this, your life will start to flow again.

    And This Is Exactly the Goal of This Transformational Book


    It takes you into the fascinating deeper layers of yourself and your life, and teaches you about the real, underlying causes of getting stuck, based on the author’s own or her clients’ experience. It covers questions such as:

    * What are the real factors that define our lives?
    * How do they influence what occurs in our life right now?
    * Why do we lose our motivation, driving force, or creativity?
    * Why do we sabotage ourselves or hold ourselves back?


    * The real, underlying cause of being stuck

    * How everything that happens in the world, in your life, and inside of you are all interconnected; and how to align it into harmony.

    * The essential principles and elements that you need to apply in order to BREAK FREE, stay clear and confident, and make your life more meaningful.

    * The ONE crucial thing without which you will NOT have the will and motivation to truly change something.

    * How your inner child may keep you stuck, and how to deal with it.

    …and many more practical tools and fresh ideas to get unstuck and start creating a life that supports you, and also tools for overcoming the typical doubt and uncertainty that impedes success.

    If this sounds like something you'd like to learn, you don't have to wait.
    Start to empower yourself right now!

    About the Author

    Laura van den Berg-Sekac is a bestselling author and personal transformation mentor. She writes and teaches about things, such as self-knowledge, self-exploration, being authentic, getting unstuck, loving yourself (more), finding your life purpose.
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