In this fourth outing in the Harry Strong PI Mystery Series, Connie Garcia, a rival private detective, pays Harry a seemingly innocent visit. Connie has to leave town in a hurry and offers Harry an urgent case which will ultimately hurl the PI headlong into a deadly ring of cold-blooded crime and blackmail. Harry is immersed in a series of events that leads him along a lethal trail of fiery death and a brutal double-murder.
As the plot unfolds, Harry’s life is at risk every step of the way as he follows the clues that ultimately draw him and his assistant Samantha ever deeper and closer to personal danger. They are faced not only with trying to survive a deadly and ruthless enemy, but must also finally confront their feelings for each other.
This is the most action-packed Harry Strong mystery adventure to date and will keep fans of the brooding PI engrossed till the very end.
As the plot unfolds, Harry’s life is at risk every step of the way as he follows the clues that ultimately draw him and his assistant Samantha ever deeper and closer to personal danger. They are faced not only with trying to survive a deadly and ruthless enemy, but must also finally confront their feelings for each other.
This is the most action-packed Harry Strong mystery adventure to date and will keep fans of the brooding PI engrossed till the very end.