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    History of the Near East, 330 A.D. to 1922 (English Edition)

    Por William Stearns Davis


    This volume relates the history of the Near East from the founding of Constantinople to the Græco-Turkish crisis of 1922... A story like this of the age-long debate between East and West divides itself naturally into three main sections: 1. Christian Constantinople, 2. Early Islam and the Saracenic Kalifates, 3. The intrusion of the Turanian Turks into Nearer Asia and next into Europe, and then their retreat and practical expulsion from the continent. Such factors as the various "Balkan" races and kingdoms have, however, received all the space possible.

    Contents: Orientalism and Occidentalism in the Levant; the Founding of Christian Constantinople; the Origins of Byzantium. The Christian Empire of Constantinople; the East Roman Period Through Justinian (395-565 A.D.); Constantinople under Constant Attack. The Christian Empire at Constantinople; the Persian and Saracenic Perils (568-717 A.D.); Great Persian Attack by Chosroës II. Leo the Isaurian, Deliverer of Constantinople. The Transition to the Byzantine Period (717 to 740 A.D.); Leo the Isaurian Prepares for the Saracen Attack. The "Byzantine" Period of Christian Constantinople (717-1025 A.D.); the Emperors of the Eighth and Ninth Centuries. Christian Constantinople about 1000 A.D.; Survey of the City Vast Size and Magnificence of Constantinople. The "Greek" Period of the Empire of Constantinople (1071-1203); the Seljuk Invasion; Battle of Manzikert, 1071 A.D. The Calamitous Fourth Crusade (1203-1204) and the Greek Restoration at Constantinople; the Venetians Divert the Fourth Crusade to Constantinople (1203). The Prophet of Islam and the Consolidation of Arabia (571-632 A.D.); Genius and Historic Importance of Islam. Islam: The Last Great Oriental Religion. The Founding of the Saracenic Empire; Abu-Bekr, the First Kalif; His Election (632) and Success. the Omiad Dynasty at Damascus (661-750 A.D.); The Abbasside Kalifate at Bagdad (750-1258 A.D.); Destruction by the Mongols; the Saracenic Empire after its Establishment. Saracenic Culture, Nature of the Saracenic Civilization. The Turanian Turks in Nearer Asia; the Crusades and the Mongols; Origin of the "Turks": Barbarian Nomads. The Rise of the Ottoman Power in Asia Minor; the Origins of the Ottoman Turks; Ertoghrul in Asia Minor (about 1250 A.D.). The Turkish Advance into Europe (1353-1403); Timur the Tartar; Murad I (1359-1389); the Ottoman Capital at Adrianople. The Capture of Constantinople by the Ottomans (1453 A.D.); the Ottomans Survive the Defeat of Bayezid. The Turkish Settlement after Taking Constantinople; Cruel Character and Worldly Wisdom of Mohammed II. The Turkish Apogée under Solyman the Magnificent (1520-1566); Lepanto (1571); the Ottoman Empire, a Military Despotism. The Institutions of the Ottoman Empire; the Army; the Janissaries; the Christian Rayahs; the Organization of the Ottoman Armies. The Century of Stagnation. "High Tide" at Vienna (1683 A.D.); General Causes of the Ottoman Decline. The Ottoman Retreat before Austria and Russia (1683-1791 A.D.); Disasters to the Turks after Relief of Vienna. The Near East during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era; Evil State of the Turkish Empire about 1790 A.D. The Genesis of Serbian and Greek Independence (1804-1830); Serbia under the Ottoman Yoke. Mahmud II and Mehemet Ali. The "Eastern Question"; Mahmud II (1808-1839 A.D.), his Attempts at Reform and his Failures. The Crimean War (1853-1856) and its Aftermath. The European Powers and the Levant in 1850. The New Balkan Nations, 1830-1876. The Russo-Turkish War (1877); the Congress and Treaty of Berlin (1878); the Ottoman Empire after the Crimean War Period. The Balkan Lands after the Treaty of Berlin (1878-1908 A.D.). Abdul Hamid II and his Despotism (1876-1908 A.D.); the British Dominion in Egypt; Abdul Hamid II: his Character and Policy. The Young Turks and the Balkan Wars (1908 to 1913); the Young Turk Revolution; the Balkans and the Levant in the World War (1914-1918).
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