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    How to Crochet for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide to Crocheting for Beginners (English Edition)

    Por Petra Pulido


    The Crochet Guidebook: Your In-Depth Guide To This Hobby

    Crochet is a technique used to create fabric with interesting patterns. The fabrics are created from a single long strand of thread and a crochet hook. This technique is used in creating laces and it has been popular during the late 17th century. Today, crocheting is considered as a hobby and there are many guilds or groups dedicated to this particular craft.

    To date, there are hundreds of types of stitching techniques developed by crochet hobbyists thus there are many types of items that can be created with this technique such as socks, mittens, doilies, table runners and even sweaters. If you are planning to start this hobby, then you need the right guidebook to help you understand this technique better. This book will serve as your guide on how to crochet even if you are just a novice.

    With this book, you will be able to know about the following:

    • Understand the history and benefits of crocheting. Chapter 1 discusses the early beginnings of crocheting and how it became popular during the present time.
    • Chapter 2 discusses about the types of materials that you need to invest in before starting this hobby. The chapter provides an in-depth discussion on how to find the right materials. This chapter provides extra focus on crochet hooks and yarns. This chapter also provides a discussion on the other types of materials that hobbyists should also buy.
    • Lastly, Chapter 3 discusses about the different types of crochet stitching techniques. The chapter highlights the different types of basic techniques to start crocheting. This chapter also adds other types of stitching techniques.

    Crochet is a great hobby that you can do on your spare time. Starting this hobby is not daunting at all as long as you have a guide.

    Let this book serve as your guide on how to start crocheting.

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