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    How to Draw Cartoons (English Edition)

    Por Lou Darvas


    How to Draw Cartoons: The Bestselling Lou Darvas Classic, Updated and Formatted for Kindle, iPad and other devices

    Do you yearn to be able to draw professional-quality cartoon characters and strips in minutes? Perhaps you’d like to draw caricatures of your friends that you can sell on eBay for big profit? You could even earn a very comfortable living from publishing your drawings.

    However, if you've ever seriously sat down to draw your own cartoons, you'll know that it can be incredibly difficult to do on your own. Friends and family might compliment you on your work, but you may secretly feel that your characters are flawed, or that your cartoon hands are unrealistic.

    Perhaps you know that your cartoon drawing just isn't good enough – yet.

    Every budding artist reaches the point where they want to snap out of amateurish doodling into the world of being a PROFESSIONAL CARTOONIST.

    If this is you, the good news is that you’re holding the right book.

    There are DRAWING SECRETS you still need to learn! The even better news is that you can definitely learn these secrets, and this book – "How to Draw Cartoons" – will reveal them to you.

    These are drawing techniques that very few people teach, yet everybody wants to know…tricks and secret techniques that will enable you to become an expert literally within days.

    And it doesn't matter how good or bad your drawings currently are.

    As the ancient Chinese proverb says: "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

    Meet master cartoonist Lou Darvas. Lou was one of America’s most prolific cartoonists. His work appeared in all the nationals and a large number of internationals. His sports cartoons are exhibited at large numbers of galleries throughout the US. And he has SECRETS he wants to share with YOU...

    "How to Draw Cartoons" will enable you to learn from the best. It’s a classic and has been updated and reformatted specifically for Kindle.

    Here’s a little of what you’ll learn in "How to Draw Cartoons":

    •How to "loosen up" and QUICKLY turn your doodles into cartoons

    •How to create comic characters in seconds – even if you can currently only draw stick figures!

    •How to create a complete comic figure, from early sketch to polished drawing

    •How to become the centre of every party by creating caricatures your friends will love

    •Discover the THREE SECRET WAYS to draw the comic head

    •How to draw the difficult “hand”... and how to use progressive drawing to make it simple!

    •How to draw animals

    •Why most artists misunderstand perspective... and the secret to using the "VP"

    •Discover the tricks to making your pictures come ALIVE.

    You will have in your possession a tried and tested blueprint for creating the perfect professional-quality cartoon – first time and every time.

    Cartooning isn’t rocket science but there are certain techniques you need to learn and hone through practice. The fundamental principles and proven techniques that Lou Darvas will show you in this book will fast-track your cartooning ability through the novice doodler phase into the idyllic realm of the experienced, skilled cartoonist, where your world awaits your every dream . . .

    Are you ready to start enjoying a fascinating new lifestyle, and potentially career, as a professional-quality cartoonist? Don’t waste a single day of your idyllic new lifestyle. Grab a pen and some paper – you’ll want to take notes – then turn the page.
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