There are millions of us who hoof it to the cubicle jungle every day from 8:30 to 5 with a half hour lunch and two ten minute breaks day in and day out while under the constant supervision of a manager who expects our butts in the chair and fingers on the keyboard at all times.
Companies will do everything that they can legally get away with to keep you as “productive” as possible. I have had so many jobs in my life and sat through countless Human Resources orientations that I know the routine and the rules down pat.
I feel that our time is never our own and associates are horribly overworked and underappreciated. With recession after recession in the last few decades, companies are becoming more and more oppressive with their control over your time.
We are being treated like mules and we need to take a break every now and then. I believe that this is imperative to our sanity and wellbeing.
This book will show you the life hacks for how to goof off at work while tips to avoid getting caught and getting in trouble.
Companies will do everything that they can legally get away with to keep you as “productive” as possible. I have had so many jobs in my life and sat through countless Human Resources orientations that I know the routine and the rules down pat.
I feel that our time is never our own and associates are horribly overworked and underappreciated. With recession after recession in the last few decades, companies are becoming more and more oppressive with their control over your time.
We are being treated like mules and we need to take a break every now and then. I believe that this is imperative to our sanity and wellbeing.
This book will show you the life hacks for how to goof off at work while tips to avoid getting caught and getting in trouble.